Universal Timeline

  • Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:30 AM
    Message # 1226758
    Deleted user
    Seeking feedback on my interactive Universal Timeline project. Any and all comments, suggestions, corrections, observations, bug reports etc very welcome indeed.

    Last modified: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:34 AM | Deleted user
    Moved from IBHA Discussions: Thursday, April 20, 2017 7:50 PM
  • Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:09 PM
    Reply # 1229190 on 1226758
    Lowell Gustafson (Administrator)
    Thanks Chris.  Your ambitious project is off to a great start!  You might also want to see how chronozoom has worked on helping us visualize this timeline on the web.  http://www.chronozoomproject.org/#/t55
  • Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:52 AM
    Reply # 1229824 on 1226758
    Hi Chris, 
    It looks wonderful! I really like the fact that you can turn on and off certain processes, because it makes it easier to visually compare the things you want to compare. 
    Kind regards, Esther
  • Monday, October 21, 2013 1:44 AM
    Reply # 1417810 on 1226758
    Let me introduce myself. my name is Adalberto. I am the principal of an Italian high school, I just retired and I am interested in Big History.

    I saw your Timeline Projects. They are very interesting but, in my
    opinion, they have the same problem: the proportional representation of human history in the history of the universe.

    These days, I am in New York and I visited the Natural History  Museum. Walking down along the beautiful spiral representing the history of the universe, in which mankind's history takes a few centimeters, I was watching the people with me: nobody gets passionate about a story in which he has a minimal part.

    There are many reasons to adopt a logarithmic scale on a universal history timeline as suggested in 1995 by Heinz Von Foster. For instance your projects could have a stable basis (anthropocentric) as a starting point. In fact I had some cognitive difficulties  zooming in and out of the immensity of the universe...and in any case we have more infomation on mankind's history.

    This could be a logarithmic scale of the timeline of the universe:


    In my opinion all the events of the history of the universe could be better inserted and interpreted having such a costant reference with the history of mankind.
    Adalberto Codetta
    Last modified: Saturday, February 28, 2015 9:18 AM | Adalberto Codetta Raiteri