Welcome to the new site!

  • Thursday, July 13, 2017 11:03 AM
    Message # 4974591
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcome to the new online home for the International Big History Association!

    If you have any issues using the new site, please feel free to send an e-mail to support@bighistory.org.

    If you have questions, comments, feature requests or just want to let me know something, feel free to send me a message at hkyeakley@bighistory.org.

    Enjoy the new site!

  • Friday, November 03, 2017 12:12 PM
    Reply # 5517230 on 4974591

    Hi Heathe, Great new site - thank you!! I notice that none of the old members besides you and me have posted on the forum in the several months since the change. Why do you think that is? I remember that it took me a few minutes to find the forum on the new site because I didn't think to look under the members resources tab. I wasn't thinking of the forum as a member resource. Rather I was thinking of it as something any interested party who came across the IBHA site, including nonmembers, could post questions and comments on. Maybe the old members couldn't find the forum after a cursory glance? If you think this might be the case, what would you think of pulling the forum out of the member resource tab list and putting it as its own tab along side home, courses, member resources, journal, etc? Sounds like a lot of work, tho.

  • Monday, November 06, 2017 11:06 AM
    Reply # 5561801 on 4974591
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Thank you. I'm glad you like the site. I spent a lot of time working on it.

    I have also been a little concerned about the lack of activity on the forums. I was hoping to see more activity and discussion.

    If the forums are hard to find, we can certainly discuss a more optimal placement within the site navigation.

    I chose to put the forums under "Member Resources" because you have to have an account in order to post, and the only way to have an account is to be an IBHA member. I'd have to go check the settings on the old site, but I don't think the original forums had an ability for non-members to show up and post to the forums.

    If we choose to relocate the forums to a different location, it is actually not much work at all. I can rearrange the site navigation in seconds. 

    One thing to keep in mind is that I set the site up with mobile computing in mind. More and more people are viewing the site on tablets and smartphones. I went with a minimal top level navigation on the front page to prevent clutter on mobile devices.

    I've said this to the IBHA Board, and I'll post it here as well. My primary objective with this site is to create a platform that:
    #1) Enables IBHA members to advance the field of big history
    #2) Facilitates big history-related business/projects/initiatives

    I'm completely open to suggestions on how to make this site better. No one will ever hurt my feelings by sending me an e-mail that says "Hey, is it possible to add blah blah blah to this page?" or "Can we add a page that talks about xyz?" 

    If we need to take the forums and rearrange/modify/rename/move/promote/restructure/retitle/whatever, I'd be happy to work on that. I would really like to see more discussions.

    Feel free to drop me a line at hkyeakley@bighistory.org.

    Thanks for posting.

  • Thursday, November 30, 2017 3:35 PM
    Reply # 5608170 on 4974591

    Hi Heathe,

    Yah, I see what you're saying. I hadn't realized you need to be a member to post, so now I see why it makes more sense for it to be under member resources. Ya know, I didn't receive a notice that there was a new post on the forum for your november post. I think I used to get emails when anyone would post something new. Could that be the problem? That people are no longer being emailed that there is new activity on the forum?

  • Friday, December 01, 2017 6:08 AM
    Reply # 5608812 on 4974591

    Hi Karen, Hi Heathe,

    I subscribed to the forums and so I got an email when there was a new post from you Karen. But I became a member only after the new site went online.

    Apart from that, it could be just a matter of time that there is so little going on in this forum.

    While I use mobile devices to read something online, I prefer the computer to write. Also, I keep two windows open, so that I can get back to the post that I am replying to which seems to be impossible otherwise.

    As for the site, Heathe, I find it well structured and fun to look at. If only I had so much to say about the topics being raised here ... 

    Karen, I am also reading through the Big History Textbook Between Nothing and Everything, and as soon as I get to chapter 7, I'll let you know what I think about the bias-thing you mentioned in the other discussion.

    Kind regards, Yvonne

  • Sunday, December 10, 2017 7:51 PM
    Reply # 5622878 on 4974591

    Thanks Yvonne,

    Yes I think that was the problem. I wasn't subscribed, that's why I wasn't getting email notifications.

  • Monday, December 18, 2017 11:53 AM
    Reply # 5641292 on 4974591

    Hi Heathe, I notice when I log onto the site, I get an error message that says something about wild apricot. But if I go back from that page, I find it did indeed log me on. Other members might get this error message logging on and give up.

    I also wanted to say that when we switched to the new site, I think I got unsubscribed from the forum. If that's true of everyone, what would you think of resubscribing all the people to the forum who were subscribed before the switch? My worry is that they have kind of forgotten about the forum since they're no longer getting notification of activity here, and may assume inactivity. An alternative would be to send out an email to every member saying they have to redo any subscription they want to the forum on the new site.


  • Saturday, December 23, 2017 9:56 AM
    Reply # 5646987 on 4974591
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you for the response.

    Can you send a screenshot of the error you're getting to support@bighistory.org? Also, what operating system are you running?

    As far as resubscribing everyone, I don't know of a way to go back and find out who was subscribed to which forum topics. That might be possible, but I don't know off the top of my head. I'll have to read through Wild Apricot's documentation to see if there is a tool I can run that will tell me who was subscribed to what.


  • Saturday, January 06, 2018 6:30 PM
    Reply # 5665224 on 4974591

    Hi Heathe, the last two times I logged on, I did't get the error. So I guess that's not a problem after all.