An online list of Big History resources

  • Friday, November 02, 2018 8:13 AM
    Message # 6885389

    Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to let you know that I am currently compiling a list of multimedia resources about Big History as an academic discipline as well as all the academic fields that are relevant to Big History. In this list you'll find recent academic papers, books and reports, online articles, online courses, infographics, blogs, comic books, videos, podcasts about a vast range of topics (from cosmology to Earth system sciences).

    The resources database was originally intended to me, as I'm currently writing a science outreach book about Big History, but the more I updated the list the more I found it could prove useful for the BH community.

    Up to now the list takes the form of a Github file, but I'm intending to transform it into a website / interactive list / mind map. The list can be accessed right here.

    (sorry for the "frenchness" of the titles of the sections, I can switch it to full english if some of you are interested. But know that the great majority of the resources provided in the list are in english.)

    I tried to be as rigorous as I can but of course the classification of this list is open to criticism. If you have a Github account, please feel free to contribute to it! As I'd like it to be as exhaustive as possible, it will certainly help me and I hope that it will help you :)


    Sebastien C. (@Flashcordon)

  • Sunday, November 25, 2018 4:51 PM
    Reply # 6931842 on 6885389
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Greetings, Sebastien.

    I checked your GitHub page and must commend you for compiling such an excellent list of Big History resources.

    Would you mind if I took elements on your list and added them to our links and resources page here on this site?

  • Thursday, December 27, 2018 9:50 AM
    Reply # 6973456 on 6885389

    It would be my pleasure :) Thank you!